19 March 2007

Could you knit these while watching L&O?

... at least, with the requisite rapt attention owed the show?

I don't think I am... but I'm going to try. Please wish me luck. Will start this weekend. Entrelac socks for my second project - I must be insane! Here are my colours, below:

Pattern for the socks in the current Interweave Knits (spring 2007).


Miss Me said...

they are going to be spectacular! and you can't order directly from the fleece artist. she used to have a store in halifax, but it has been more than a decade since it closed. every so often when i'm in halifax, i go to l&k yarns where i can get fleece artist seconds or odd sized skeins - works for me! : )

Kristina said...

Sounds like it would work for me as well, Miss Me! I have had luck getting some sale Fleece Artist here (partly because I suspect one of the LYSs takes a wee bit off for their own projects... which suits me if it's $10-50 off after the fact)!